Get ready to


him in

Your effortless guide to a great relationship with a healthy masculine partner 

What can the Bring Him In mini course do for you?


Activate his Romantic Circuitry to bring him under your spell.


Unlock a new dimension of self love, then watch as he mirrors your adoration of you.


Get him on board to meet your needs and progress the relationship. 


Worry less about the relationship (this makes him want you more). 


Know exactly what to say to inspire his full effort


Turn your fear, pain, and shame into fuel for more love


Move beyond the "same old fight" (or same old block) that has plagued you for too long

What You'll Learn:


INTRODUCTION: Start Here. Everything you need to know to get the most out of the Bring Him in mini course.


MODULE ONE: Know What You Want. Brazenly own what you really want. Now the right relationship can get here faster with less hiccups along the way.


MODULE TWO: Be Your Most Magnetic Self. When you fall in love with yourself you are at your most attractive. Step into your mojo!


MODULE THREE: Embrace Your Inner Stranger. This step helps you handle the “gunk” that comes up inside real intimacy. Unlock a new level of freedom from your past traumas and limiting beliefs. 


MODULE FOUR: Connect Your Circle Of Support. Leverage the power of community to maximally support your healthy intimate partnership. 


MODULE FIVE: Talk To Him. Learn exactly what to say to move things forward, enroll him in your vision, and let him into your deepest hopes, fears, dreams and truths. 


MODULE SIX: Manage Your Energy In The Aftermath. "Zoom out” and get perspective while staying the course and staying committed to the feel-good love relationship that's meant for you.

Real love is about to find you…

Hey there! I'm Teresa Clement and I'm so pleased you've found me. 

You are meant for love that's sexy, satisfying and built to last. But if (like me) you grew up with horribly modeled relationship skills, you likely came to the game with a relationship blueprint that led to heartbreak instead of the healthy, hot, thriving connection you want and deserve. 

I'm here to help you turn things around. 

Since 2012 I've been guiding smart, ambitious women into great love and juicy intimacy with healthy masculine partners. From the incredible shifts I've seen in my own relationships and those of my students, I can tell you that a lasting love that works IS achievable for you.  

In today's world, so many women (and men too) are playing a losing game when it comes to love. I'm here to help you win. Because when you win at love, EVERYONE wins. Especially the lucky guy you choose to grace with your presence. 

Questions? Send me a DM on Instagram @theteresaclement or drop me a line at [email protected].

Course Materials Include: 


Lifetime access to about 2.5 total hours of audio (mp3) trainings. Download to your favorite device or stream online. 


A gorgeous, thoughtfully designed playbook for the times when it's your pleasure to read, write, and journal.


FREE BONUS: Downloadable cell phone wallpapers with mantras to inspire you and keep your tools top of mind.


OPTIONAL UPGRADE: For a small additional charge, you'll get the chance to ask your most burning questions and/or get live coaching from me inside an exclusive Q&A group call.